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You Should Have A Wedding Dream. If Not, Let the Dreaming Begin.

At this point, the engagement news has settled in. It's time for you to begin thinking about your wedding dreams. If you're like most, you've at least visualized your wedding day. Please don't tell me I was the only one.

As a child playing with my Barbie doll, my imagination would run rampant about how my future husband and I would get married and live happily ever after. Ok, enough about me.

Now is the time to sit down and have a conversation about the kind of wedding you both have envisioned.

Pull out your pen and pad and begin brainstorming. Do you see lots of florals or candles? Do you want an intimate romantic ceremony and reception or a grand and elegant affair?

There are so many different way's to personalize your wedding. You're officially a two-some now, it's important to communicate and work together on planning the perfect wedding. Gone are the day's of the bride-to-be and her mother making all the decisions. It's not often that a groom-to-be admits to dreaming of his wedding day as a child remember, his opinion matters.

It's your job to work together. Afterall you are a team. Patiently consider each other feelings and comunicate honeslty.

Start with an idea and build around it. Here's one of the first questions to ask.

  1. What is our vision for our nuptials?

Secondly, jot down a list of qualities you admired about other weddings you've attended.

2. What qualities do you want to include in your wedding?

Using descriptive words will help get the ball rolling. I hope this helps you begin the first steps towards planning your special day.

Here's to Happy Planning.


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